Today’s guest post is courtesy of Amanda. I know that sometimes I find myself wondering if I do “too much” when it comes to working out. Can you relate? Sometimes it is possible to exercise too much. Take the recent story about CrossFit and acute rhabdomyolysis. CrossFit, popular among people who like to push themselves to their limits, sometimes pushes them so far that … [Read more...] about CrossFit, Rhabdo, and the Benefits of Moderation
One fit mommy!
Today’s fit mommy is ME! I figured after featuring all these fabulous fit moms, I would jump in on the fun! :) Q: How many kids do you have and what are their ages? I have 4 boys—ages 7,6, 3, and 2. There is never a dull nor quiet moment in my house. Q: Have you always been fit? What inspired you to live a fit lifestyle? No, I pretty much hated all forms of exercise … [Read more...] about One fit mommy!
The Effects of Sugar on Your Mood and Your Brain
Today’s guest post is courtesy of Stefanie, who blogs over at gofitmoms. As someone who struggles (daily!) with a sugar addiction, this article was eye-opening for me! Sugar highs and crashes are unfortunately a well known phenomenon in American culture. Although some doctors claim there is no evidence on sugar affecting a child’s mood, as parents we probably feel … [Read more...] about The Effects of Sugar on Your Mood and Your Brain
6 home gym favorites (and how to get them for cheap!)
Hi, my name is Lisa and I am addicted to fitness equipment! I don’t belong to a gym but I am lucky enough to have space in my house for some really cool fitness toys. Here are my top favorites (right now!) Ropes: These give you a killer cardio and strength workout at the same time! When they first arrived I created a workout that was 2 minutes on/2 minutes off. I was … [Read more...] about 6 home gym favorites (and how to get them for cheap!)
Use Your Weekly Parkrun for Cheap HIIT Training
Today’s post is courtesy of Tegan. Read on for more information on how you can join her for a free session If you are not aware of Parkrun it is time I gave you a quick lesson in the best exercise of the week. A group of volunteers in over 516 UK locations host a 5km timed and marshalled FREE (yes, free!) run around a local park, National Trust or open area. 1,000s of … [Read more...] about Use Your Weekly Parkrun for Cheap HIIT Training
Common Excuses People Give to Avoid Working Out
Exercise is one of those things everyone knows they need to do, but for whatever reason, or a multitude of reasons, they don’t. Many people make commitments or plan to start working out to improve their health, but fall short with very little effort in the first place. Though life can sometimes get in the way, many times you get in your own way. With a few lifestyle changes and … [Read more...] about Common Excuses People Give to Avoid Working Out
4 tips for staying on track while on vacation
Anyone else find a family beach vacation stressful and exhausting? There isn’t much “vacation” involved for me when it involves everything I normally do at home just in someone else’s house. 4 tips for staying on track while on vacation Kids don’t sleep, they need constant entertainment that costs extra money, and there is sand everywhere. Don’t get me wrong, I love the … [Read more...] about 4 tips for staying on track while on vacation
Apron Belly Workout: Causes and solutions for a toned stomach after weight loss
Your weight loss program has been highly successful, and you’ve reduced more than 20 pounds. Your commitment to losing weight and working hard to achieve a certain body size through diet and exercise, however, has not yielded 100% results. You’re happy with your progress, but one issue stands out: Apron Belly! Apron Belly Workout: Causes and solutions You are not … [Read more...] about Apron Belly Workout: Causes and solutions for a toned stomach after weight loss
Everything You Need to Know About Anxiety and How to Overcome It
Everyone knows when anxiety hits. But not everyone knows where anxiety comes from. In fact, there’s a lot about anxiety that isn’t common knowledge. And if you know anything about the battle, you know you must understand your opponent before you can defeat your opponent. So, let’s get to know this undesirable foe we call anxiety – and beat it once and for all. What is … [Read more...] about Everything You Need to Know About Anxiety and How to Overcome It
The Common Problems Many Runners Face
There is nothing I love more in this world than waking up bright and early and going for a run. When I was in high school, I ran track and cross country up until my senior year. Running is not only a great way to relieve stress, it is also a great workout. It keeps you in shape, doesn’t require any equipment, and unlike going to a gym, you can run anywhere at any time. Here … [Read more...] about The Common Problems Many Runners Face