It is time for another installment of “One Fit Mommy”! As I surf around the blogosphere, I come across fit moms (and dads too!) who inspire me to fitness. From there, I hunt them down and force them to tell me their secrets, which I then share with you! :) Today’s fit mommy is Kate who blogs over at Beyond Fit Physiques. Kate is a busy mom of one who runs her own personal … [Read more...] about Can you do burpees when you are pregnant? Of course you can! Check out this fit mommy!
The other day my oldest poked my belly and asked if we are having another baby. ouch I had to explain to him: A. You NEVER ask a woman this question. EVER. Unless she tells you first, don’t ever assume that someone is pregnant. EVER. EVERRRRRR! B. No, we would not be having another baby anytime soon. (or everrrrr) C. mommy is just fat. Sigh. So that is how … [Read more...] about Kids
Do you love your heart rate monitor? (I do!)
Many, many years ago I bought a Polar heart rate monitor. It was awesome and I loved it to death. Literally. My old dinosaur monitor kicked the bucket a few weeks ago so I went to Polar to check out the new models and wow…times have changed! Now you can get every bell and whistle possible, including GPS tracking! I did not know this, did you? I ended up deciding on the … [Read more...] about Do you love your heart rate monitor? (I do!)
Still working on my pullups!
A few months ago I told you about my goal for pull ups. Well….it’s still a work in progress! Although I love my door gym, it was starting to take it’s toll on the molding in my entrance doorway so I needed to look for an alternative. We don’t have any beams available for a permanent pullup bar, so I was stumped. I hit up my friend Google and check out what I came up with! A … [Read more...] about Still working on my pullups!
Sticking to your plan while on vacation. Or maybe not?
I am one of the weird ones that really enjoys working out while on vacation. Sometimes, I like to take fitness related vacations, like this one to Red Mountain Spa. Sometimes, I like to do my kettlebell workouts on the beach. Sometimes, I plan trips around running races so that I can run through the Magic Kingdom. but then sometimes, I have the best intentions but … [Read more...] about Sticking to your plan while on vacation. Or maybe not?
Favorite fitness apps
Here are some of the fitness apps I am currently using: Nike+ Running – Nike, Inc.: I love how it tracks my runs, my pace, my route, and even lets me keep track of how many “miles” on my shoes!Cost: Free! Super easy to keep track of your calories and workouts. I love the “scan” bar option —although I should truthfully eat more foods that are not … [Read more...] about Favorite fitness apps
One fit Grandma!
It’s time for another edition of “One Fit Mommy“! Today’s fit mommy Grandma is Laurel, who blogs over at Super Strong Nana. She is also the owner of Bootcamp Fitness and Training and Tallahassee Kettlebells. If you live in the Tallahassee area, I strongly recommend checking out Laurel and her training programs! Laurel is a great example of how age is just a number! Just … [Read more...] about One fit Grandma!
It Starts with Food
As I have confessed many times, I am addicted to Diet Pepsi and sugar. (and I have failed at trying to kick these habits a zillion+ times so I will spare you the links to my posts where I claim that “THIS TIME it’s going to work!” sigh.) I know it’s evil.I know I need to make changes.I know……. So I bought this book:It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your … [Read more...] about It Starts with Food
Reinhardt Kettlebell System (RKS DVD review)
As you all know, I love me some kettlebells. After going through my HKC certification, I’m very aware of the importance of proper form and instruction when it comes to kettlebells. Someday, I would love to get my RKC. (like Girl Hero, or Sistas of Strength, or Super Strong Nana!) In the meantime, I just do the best that I can with my home workouts and occasional studio … [Read more...] about Reinhardt Kettlebell System (RKS DVD review)
Workout Wednesday: Legs!
It’s workout Wednesday, are you ready? This was my leg workout plan. Repeat each circuit for the specified time. How often do you train your legs? Are you more of a squat person or a lunger? … [Read more...] about Workout Wednesday: Legs!