What is corporate fitness program?
The term “24/7” never existed before the industrial revolution. Nor was the term “stress” so popular. With the advent of industrialization and later information technology, work has annexed the time allotted for rest, food, and leisure. This has affected the health of the employees as well as their work output, causing concerns to both the employee and the employer.

Promoting employee wellness is of utmost importance not only to increase productivity but also to reduce absenteeism caused by ill health. Corporate fitness program, hence, is of prime importance!
A Corporate Fitness Program is a strategic initiative implemented by an organization to help employees be physically active and improve their wellness quotient.
It involves employees taking up physical activity in a big way at the workplace. This could include access to gyms, exercise facilities, and wellness programs supervised and monitored by the management.
Corporate fitness benefits:
Some benefits of Corporate Fitness Programs

Higher productivity
An increase in physical activity releases endorphins, boosting energy levels. This also leads to higher concentration and mental clarity, positively increasing productivity.
It also boosts your employees’ morale, encouraging them to put more effort into the job at hand.
Lowers Absenteeism
Exercise contributes in a big way to a healthy lifestyle, boosting the immune system.
Employees with good health will take fewer sick leaves, thus increasing their presence at the workplace.
Improved Teamwork
Most fitness programs involve the whole team taking up challenges as a team. During the program, shared goals and team-building exercises bring the whole team together to complete the challenge unitedly. This team spirit they bring into the work culture improves teamwork in organizational activities.
Cuts Insurance and Healthcare Costs
A sedentary lifestyle without exercise leads to serious diseases like obesity and diabetes. Fitness programs involve several challenges and goals, making employees healthier and less likely to fall sick.
Consequently, fewer medical claims will cut insurance and other health costs.
Decrease in Stress and Burnouts
Corporate fitness programs form an outlet for employees to release stress and recharge with endorphins that are released after physical activity. This will help reduce burnouts and stress.
Promotion of Healthy Habits
Fitness programs include taking nutritional food and having a good night’s rest. Adopting these principles will make employees embrace a better lifestyle that will keep the doctor away.
Long-term Employee Retention
Since the workplace has a high-stress environment, many employees unable to cope leave the job for another. Here, fitness programs could act as stress busters, helping employees achieve job satisfaction and inducing them to remain in the same organization long-term.
Improvement in Work-Life Balance
Another factor that would improve work productivity is work-life balance. Fitness programs help employees prioritize their health, which is important for every individual.
When the workplace offers opportunities for both work and fitness, the work-life balance is automatically achieved.
Fitness ideas:
While planning for the fitness program, these aspects and ideas can be incorporated to make it inclusive:

Step Goals
Walking is one of the most efficient and beneficial exercises you can adopt to set challenges. You can motivate employees to record their daily steps using apps or fitness trackers and encourage them to increase the count every day. Walks can be organized in company gardens, corridors, or break rooms.
Outdoor Activities
You can organize hiking trips to the nearest hilltops or cycling trips around town. Employees can take part in runs, marathons, swimming, kayaking, aerobics, and more.
Fitness-based Challenges
Set challenges that target fitness goals such as push-ups, weight loss programs, planks, and stretching. Encourage employees to push each other toward the ultimate limit.
Stroll Meetings
Let your employees join meetings while taking a walk inside or outside the workplace. This way, not only do they exercise, but the agenda of the meeting is also accomplished.

Nutritional Snacks
Source fresh fruits and healthy snacks for the office, such as dry fruits, nuts, green tea, and smoothies. Encourage employees to eat healthy and avoid junk food.
Meditation Classes and Therapy Sessions
Meditation classes can help employees relieve stress and improve mental health. Therapy sessions can relax employees’ bodies and augment wellness.
Resources to Manage Weight
The company can set up resources and expert sessions to help employees who wish to achieve weight targets. The program can involve goal-setting, diet-setting, physical activity, stress and sleep control, motivation to continue, and finally evaluating the metrics for analysis.
Fitness Facilities
An in-house gym will encourage employees to utilize the facilities to improve muscle health.
Power Nap Facilities
Research has highlighted how power naps enhance productivity among employees. The company can designate areas where employees can take power naps to recharge for the work sessions ahead.