Today’s guest post is courtesy of Anne Samoilov. Anne is a mom, Pilates Teacher, Wellness coach and writer who teaches women how to achieve their fitness and weight loss goals using Simple, Daily, Consistent Steps.
I wish remembering to remember yourself was a one time lesson you could learn and then move on, but it’s not. I forget myself on a regular basis — especially when it comes to my 2 1/2 year old Mila. I am often so entrenched in her development and her well-being that everything goes out the window. Even my husband has become a bit of a casualty. In fact, what was I talking about?

Simple, Daily, Consistent Steps.
I am a mom and I’m always thinking of ways to improve my daughter’s experience of life. I can’t help myself. I want her to eat as healthy as possible. I want her to get the most out of preschool. I want her to use the best products. So, I’m always on the hunt for ways to improve her life.
That’s what moms do…we improve lives…or at least our family’s life.
But it doesn’t stop there. Since I’m also a Pilates trainer and a fitness coach, I often spend what time & energy I have “left” doing the same things for my clients….
So, you can guess what happens when you just give and give and give…and you aren’t on the receiving end of ANY of that giving goodness. Burn out. When the well is dry…what more can you give?
Finding small ways to nurture myself throughout every day is a priority of mine (now), but it took some time to figure out how to do this for myself.
Here are some sneaky ways to start paying attention to yourself without much effort. They are directly from many of my clients, friends and family’s mouths…so I know they work…and I’ve even use these tips myself.
- Mirror Mirror On The Wall
Take time every single day to really look at yourself. Don’t just blindly put on make up and get away from your reflection as quickly as you can. Look at the image. Make eye contact. It can be a little scary and uncomfortable–but when you step back and look, you’ll be amazed at what you can see. You might have lost a few pounds, maybe your hair needs a cut, maybe you have a tan, or maybe you’ll see that you look pale, maybe you look great in spite of having the kids running you ragged. Just try to look at yourself for a good long minute. Trust me, at first it will feel like a long time. But it’s worth it.
This really can be any type of bodywork that requires you to sit still in a medical-type setting for an extended period of time. I recently started going to acupuncture and discovered I have lots of anxiety just sitting still. I’ve only gone 3x so far and I feel much more relaxed and at ease when my body is at rest.
- Take A Yoga or Pilates Class
Really — Take any movement class that requires you to be fully present and aware of what you’re doing. Karate or some other martial art might be a good option too. Even trying a new activity is a good idea, since you are most focused the first time you do something! The point is you’ll be engaging int he activity and not getting sidelined by outside forces or letting your thoughts overwhelm you.
- Spend 5 More Minutes In the Shower
Need I say more? Just stand under the water and wash away any thoughts or to do lists that are filling your head. Close your eyes and let the heat of the water relax your brain. Focus on the sound of the water and just let your thoughts melt a bit. And if your toddler just can’t bear to be away from you and runs in to the bathroom…let her in the shower and continue to relax.
- Celebrate Your Achievements
Do a little happy dance to celebrate your achievements — the big ones and small ones — all those things you crossed off your to do list – is a great way to pay attention to what you can accomplish. I have a white board where I track my food, workouts, and sleep. Every time I put a hash mark on the board, I kind of do a little booty shake and say “what what?” in celebration. It helps me stay in the moment and be proud of my healthy accomplishments.
Now that you’ve got a few really simple actions you can take tonight or tomorrow, start paying attention to yourself. You’ll discover you’re able to handle more and feel less overwhelmed. As women we often, take on more than we should, don’t know how to say no, and sometimes just need a break. By giving yourself some peaceful moments to bliss out, you’re supporting yourself and helping the most important person in the equation survive.
When Mommy’s not happy, no one’s happy. Remember that. And remember yourself.
Anne recently released her Life Workout Starter Kit – a 10 lesson interactive ecourse that shows you how to get motivated, stay there and get ready to reach your fitness goals BEFORE you step into the gym. Anne is also the creator of a weekly newsletter called The Quick Byte, which provides weekly healthy living tips on how to eat cleaner, move more, and how Pilates combines it all to get you there faster! To become a member, go to Quick Byte Sign Up.