We know you like to workout, but how about your kids? Here are some ways to encourage them to get up and moving too!
Invite them on a run (or walk) with you. Even if it’s just letting them out of the stroller for a block or two, it will improve their mood and involve them in your workout!
Have a deck of cards? Kids can play along with this workout as well. Do it as a family!
Push ups and yoga! My kids always want to get down on the ground with me and show me THEIR form. Such a great opportunity to be fit as a family.
Dance Party! Gets my kids every single time. (just please don’t film us!) 😉
Circuit stations: I set up various circuits for myself (kettlebells, TRX, jump rope) and then I make some for them (push ups, jumping jacks, jump rope). We all move from station to station together. They LOVE this!
Make fitness FUN and everyone will want to join in!
How about you gang? How do you get your kids involved in fitness?